On Monday, we did a community service with Harwich Conservation Trust! During Staff training we like to give back to the community and we took our time to help Harwich Conservation Trust to remove Japanese Knotweed, which was taking over the Conservation in Harwich! The Japanese Knotweed is an invasive root system it's strong growth can damage foundations, buildings, roads, and paving....

Help Change a Campers Life

Help Change a Campers Life
Donate $10 to a Great Organization! Sorry I've been super busy getting everything ready for my trip and for camp (3 more Days!!!). Please take the minute to check out this nice video of my campers I had during the school year! Camper Riley Playing in the Sand ...

Woodblock Painting // 木版画

Woodblock Painting // 木版画
The Great Wave off Kanagawa by: Hokus...

Japanese Strawberry Shortcake // イチゴのショートケーキ

Japanese Strawberry Shortcake // イチゴのショートケーキ
Japanese Strawberry Shortcake RecipeI decided for the summer to make a Japanese Strawberry Shortcake. Unlike the American version of the strawberry shortcake (sweet biscuits/scones topped with strawberries and whipped cream),a Japanese strawberry shortcake is a layered sponge cake (おいしい// Oishii// yummy!) with strawberries and whipped cream filling, AND whipped cream frosting! This cake is a favorite japanese choice for birthdays...

Japanese Doll Festival // ひなまつい

Japanese Doll Festival // ひなまつい
Happy Hinamatsuri! //うれしいひなまつり! Click Image to Enlar...

Japanese Carp Kites // こいのぼり

Japanese Carp Kites // こいのぼり
Children's Day// こどもの日      On May 5th in Japan, Children's Day is celebrated pronounced Kodomo no Hi(こどもの日). This special day used to be known as  Boy's Day, is now a national holiday celebrating both boys and girls. Parents pray for their children's happiness, health, and future. However, for most people, they still follow old traditions and continue to celebrate May 5th as a day only to pray...

Great News! // すばらしいニュース!

Great News! // すばらしいニュース!
Great News! I want to say I am really sorry for disappearing but school became really stressful with exams and papers but IM BACK with great news! News # 1      While I was MIA I had time to go to the last CCI event! During my time there I finalized a list of projects to do. For the first three weeks I have at camp before I leave! For example: During Creative Art:  Write Campers names in Japanese...

Officially Submitted!

Officially Submitted!
Today I have officially submitted my Benjamin A Gilman Scholarship! ...

Japanese Paper Cranes!

Japanese Paper Cranes!
My Girls with their Paper Crane...

My very first CCI EVER!

My very first CCI EVER!
Hello everyone! ...

My Essay is Complete !

My Essay is Complete !
Adding the FINAL touches to my essay...


Konichiwa! So this is my first post, feels kind of cool writing a blog... So HERE WE GO ! My Cabin & I Getting Ready to Start Rock Climbi...

About Me

My photo
Konichiwa (Hello), My name is Chany Peguero I am currently a student at UMass Dartmouth. On January 23rd 2012 I was accepted to study abroad in Japan with CIEE. This blog will be used to share my experience as I apply to many Scholarships, as well as share my Gilman Project with my campers at Crossroads4Kids, and to share my experience in Japan with everyone! I hope you guys will enjoy it as much as I do. (Click on the pictures above to read my Posts!) I would love it if you would also follow me or subscribe to my post.
